7 Levels Of Forgiveness

It is in forgiving that we are forgiven, it is in pardoning that we are pardoned.” St. Francis of Assisi

In order to feel free, happy and satisfied, we need to constantly forgive and forget; not just to extend our love to everyone, even the people who hurt us, but also to show our love to ourselves.

Forgiveness from the point of view of one’s self, is a wise thing to do as it frees us from anger and resentment that keep us boiling inside.

“Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned.” Lord Buddha

The energy of anger and resentment is extremely dirty. It can contaminate our aura and our chakras. The effects are not only emotional disorders, appearing as bitterness, sadness and dissatisfaction, but also physical ailments as well which will appear in the long run. Problems such as High Blood Pressure, Severe Kidney Ailments, Arthritis, Asthma and even Cancer are examples of physical ailments that are caused by accumulation of negative lower emotions especially anger and resentment.

Therefore, for the sake of our own health and well-being, we need to educate ourselves to be able to forgive, forget and continue living and loving.

Based on Master Choa Kok Sui’s teachings, forgiveness is practiced by different people based on their level of maturity, and can range from Level 0 to Level 7.

Reach Level 7 and see how your life gets filled with constant joy, happiness, calmness, stillness and inner peace!

Level 00

In this is level, the person is unable to forgive the offender and keeps on thinking about him and the unpleasant event over and over again. The effect is not only so much pain and suffering in the current lifetime, but also extended emotional attachments and problems in the future incarnations.

According to great spiritual teachers including Master Choa Kok Sui, two things bind souls together: love and hatred.

By loving a person deeply, there are higher chances of meeting and being with the beloved soul in the future incarnations. These are the people that we love and feel comfortable and connected with even from the first few moments of being together.

The sad news is that “hatred” also binds souls together as there is a lesson in the relationship to be learnt. The lesson is love!

Therefore the relationship between the two souls who hate each other often gets closer and closer, to teach them to love one another. Most of the couples that have difficult relationships, parents and children who cannot get along, brothers and sisters that have a hard time being together fall under this category. They need to learn to love each other, break the wicked cycle and let go.

“Anger and Hatred bind people together! When you Hate someone, it creates an “Energy Link” with the person. You become chained to the person and your Soul becomes entangled with that person. If you want to be free, you must Forgive people.” Master Choa Kok Sui

The good news on the other hand is that to break this cycle, forgiveness of one person (one sided) is enough!

So to avoid being with the people that seem to be a pain in the neck to us, we need to forgive them, forget the unpleasant event and let go. We can keep on blessing them with love while keeping our distance from them.

Level 01

In this level, normally the person gathers everyone at the moment of death and forgives all and asks all of them to forgive him back. In this level, although the current lifetime seems ruined by keeping so much anger, resentment and bitterness inside, at least the future lifetimes are saved!

Level 02

Here, the soul, after several years realizes that keeping anger and resentment only affects him. In some occasions the person who has caused hurt, might not be even aware of his action. Therefore he decides to forgive and let go of the pain and suffering.

As discussed earlier, anger and resentment is like a hot coal. Justified or unjustified, it burns us inside and the effect is usually physical and emotional problems. Once the person realizes this truth, that forgiveness is for his own sake, he will forgive.

“Forgiveness is the economy of the heart… forgiveness saves the expense of anger, the cost of hatred, the waste of spirits.” Hannah More

Although a few years have passed in feeling unhappy and dissatisfied, the following years of life can be spent in happiness and joy. In fact it is not always easy to forgive, especially if the pain and injury is high. Therefore some people in some cases need to consciously forgive and forget to release the pain and let go of the negative accumulated emotions. There are in fact Forgiveness Techniques that can help us forgive easier and in shorter time. In ‘Achieving Oneness with the Higher Soul‘ course even in Basic Pranic Healing course some of such forgiveness techniques are taught.

Level 03

In level 3, the person has already achieved a certain level of maturity and the Heart chakra is developed to a certain degree. Therefore the person cannot keep anger and resentment for long, not more than a few months. So once he cools down and recovers from the unpleasant event, he forgives the other person and continues his life.

Level 04

In this level, for the person to calm down will take only a few weeks. After few weeks of entanglement with lower emotions and thinking about the unpleasant event, the person decides to let go.Forgiveness in this case gives a feeling of freedom and lightness, as though a heavy load has been removed from the system.

Level 05

A person who forgives in a few days is already familiar with the concept of forgiveness and has experienced its effects in life.

Although he is still in the process of getting more mature and developing the Heart further, he can forgive and forget in a few days.

Level 06

Level 6 is already very high and not everybody can practice it all the time. In Level 6, the person forgives in just a few hours. Any unpleasant event or happening, makes the Solar Plexus chakra work erratically. The result is experiencing lots of negative lower emotions.

It is normal and natural to feel hurt, angry or irritated, but the key is not to keep holding such negative emotions inside. After a few hours, when the Solar Plexus chakra normalizes, the person can let go of the negative emotions, forgives the offender consciously and cuts the negative links connecting him to the offender. This will bring about calmness, happiness and peace.

Level 07

Reaching level 7 is actually the goal. One must be able to forgive instantly.

Forgiveness is the key to world peace. By practicing forgiveness and releasing the emotional pain, not only we feel centered and emotionally calm, but also can function more effectively from the mental level.

The effect is clarity of mind, calmness of emotions and harmony and peace in relationships and in life. Constant forgiveness also increases the rate of healing and brings about better health.

“By Forgiving and Blessing, you stop wallowing in mud and you achieve Inner Peace and Freedom.” Master Choa Kok Sui

Let’s make it our firm resolution to forgive in a few minutes and always radiate Love
(Copied from Pranaworld)

Principle Of Now

” Principle of now. During deep meditation, sometimes the meditator may experience a state of consciousness that is called Now, where the past, present and future are experienced as One or Now.

To understand this concept, it must be specified that the experience of Now is not static but dynamic. The present is constantly becoming the past and the immediate future is constantly becoming the present. And the distant future is dynamic.”


Lord Buddha and the Great Spiritual Teachers have repeatedly taught their students to practice discernment or intelligent evaluation.

A student must practice discernment.

Do not believe a statement to be true just because “someone said so”. Do not believe something to be true because “someone ” claims information has been received through “inner transmission ” ( from ‘The Existence of God is Self-Evident’ MCKS)

Cut & Release is one of the easiest and simplest but powerful techniques taught by Grand Master Choa Kok Sui.

Cut & Release is best understood when you understand that we are all energy beings, and that every thought, word, or action is also energy. When we do any of these 3 things, especially when felt or expressed with a strong emotion, we create an energy link to the thought, memory, emotion in our aura  connected to the person.

As a healer we tend to create an energy cord toward our patients, especially when we work on a family member or a close friend. And vice versa, the patient can also create cords toward the healer, especially if there is emotional attachment to the healer and/or the outcome. That is why the healer must cut & release all cords connecting to the patient to help the general healing process.

The way you cut & release is by imagining the side of your palm as a sharp knife and you cut through the cord or link and then push away from body.

What is soooo amazing about the cut & release technique is that we can let go of any negative thought, emotion or situation that has been bothering us. Every day we create thousands of thoughts, 90% or more of those thoughts are negative.  When we repeatedly think of these negative events, we energize these ‘unbeneficial’ cords we have unconsciously created towards ourselves or others and these cords become bigger and thicker in our aura. As we become aware of these thoughts we  can use the cut & release technique to stop energizing unwanted thoughts, eventually starving them.

Ways you can take advantage of this cut & release technique .

You can use cut & release after an uncomfortable conversation, after a meeting to remove any cords with attendees, boss, co-workers, family (even if is it virtual or over the phone). You can use cut & release after work to leave unwanted energy behind, after a fight with partner or anyone else, after a stressful drive, before walking into your home. You can even cut & release from an unpleasant situation that you witnessed.

You can sometimes feel an immediate relief after doing cut & release. Coming from a calmer, more centred place, you will find a different perspective, acceptance or understanding of the situation, event or person, making it easier to find a solution.

(written by Paola, in the process of Associate Certified Pranic Healer)

The Law Of Karma Is Not Fatalistic.

The Law of Karma is not fatalistic. It gives you the ability to create your future”

” By planting the right seeds, you harvest the right crop.”

“You cannot harvest what you you did not sow”

“Both pleasant and unpleasant experiences are necessary for our growth. All are ultimately good!”

“Things do not happen without a cause, but sometimes we just don’t know the cause ”

(From ‘Achieve the Impossible. The Golden Lotus Sutra on Spiritual Business Management’ MCKS)

Ancient Science and Art of Pranic Crystal Healing (Excerpt)

From : The book  ‘Ancient Science and Art of Pranic Crystal Healing’ by Master Choa Kok Sui

 Introduction (Excerpt)

“This book embodies the pure essence of the science and art of Pranic Crystal Healing.

Ideas or beliefs that are doubtful or superstitious have been removed completely.

The concepts, principles and techniques are based on validated esoteric facts which are explained in a clear and simple manner.

It is assumed that the reader is already knowledgeable and, to a certain extent, proficient in at least elementary Pranic Healing. Knowledge and proficiency in intermediate Pranic Healing (Level 2) and Pranic Psychotherapy (Level 3) will be advantageous.


A crystal is just a tool for healing. It’s effectiveness depends on the skill of the Pranic Healer just as a surgical knife is only a tool whose effectiveness depends on the skill of the surgeon. ..”

For course description https://pranichealingontario.ca/courses-healing/crystal-healing/

The art and science of scanning taught by GrandMaster Choa Kok Sui is unique.

If you have learned to scan, consider yourself very, very lucky. Personally I couldn’t feel energy when I started scanning but I heard my instructor say that I need to stop doubting myself. I held on to those words and like magic, I started scanning better.  The 2nd thing that she said was that I need to practice as much as I can and that I can scan just about anything I want. So I did, I scanned anything, from apples to bread, to plants, to my emotions etc. The 3rd thing I heard and held on to was that there is so much more information found in scanning that we can understand at first. I am still experimenting and gathering the experiences, to have a better understanding of what those words means and what other information I find when scanning.

Scanning has helped me in more ways than one. When I started Pranic Healing, I was going through life changing events and in one class we scanned for emotions that I know exists but I didn’t think applied to me. One of those emotions was grief. After my partner scanned me for grief, it seemed like I was holding on to a lot of grief but “no one close to me has died“, I thought.  I remember I continued thinking about this long after the class and I realized that what I had been feeling and bothering me for a while was ‘grief’. For the 1st time I had understood grief from a different angle, from a different level of truth. With this understanding I was able to deal with my emotions in a way I hadn’t done before.

Over time, I had so many aha moments, many breakthroughs, and I started to understand what my instructor had said “there is more information that can be found in scanning”. This was exciting because it was new and because I knew that it would never get old. I would always be learning new things as I continue to practice scanning.

To learn to understand Energy is like opening a magical world with no end. Always full of new information and clarification.

Scanning is like a magic wand to explore and learn. As a Pranic Healer, as we practice our scanning consistently, it can open doors to greater understanding.

(written by Paola, an enthusiastic student of MCKS Pranic Healing)

The first technique of scanning students learn in the Basic Pranic Healing course

A Time Will Come

“A time will come when science will make tremendous advances, not because of better instruments for discovering and measuring things, but because a few people will have at their command great spiritual powers, which at the present are seldom used. Within a few centuries, the art of spiritual healing will be increasingly developed and universally used”

Gustaf Stromberg, A Scientist’s View of Man, Mind and the Universe – copied from the book ‘Miracles through Pranic Healing’

The Golden Rule Is Also Universally Taught

( excerept from the book ‘Miracles through Pranic healing’ by Master Choa Kok Sui)

~Do not do unto others what you do not want others do unto you~ – Confuscius

~As ye would that men should do to you, do ye also to them likewise~ Luke 6:31

~This is the sum of -all true righteousnenss: deal with others as thou woulst thyself be dealt by. Do nothing to thy neighbor which though wouldst not have him do to thee hereafter~ – Mahabharata

~Whatever thou likest not for thine own self, for any person else, too, like it not~ – Dhammapada, Wisdom of the Buddha

~Noblest religion this – that thou shouldst like for others what thou likest for yourself, and what thou feelest painful for thyself, hold that as painful for all others too~ – Koran”

Law of Life Energy

(Excerpt from the book: Miracles through Pranic Healing, by Master Choa Kok Sui)

For life to exist, the body must have prana, chi, life energy.

The healing process can be accelerated by increasing life energy on the effected part(s) and on the entire body.

In chemistry, electrical energy is sometimes used as a catalyst to increase the rate of chemical reaction. Light can effect chemical reaction. This is the basis of photography. In electrolysis, electricity is used to catalyze or produce chemical reaction. In pranic healing, prana or life energy serves as the catalyst to accelerate the rate of biochemical reactions involved in the natural healing process of the body. When pranic energy is applied to the affected part of the body, the rate of recovery or healing increases tremendously.

What we call miraculous healing is nothing more than increasing the rate of self-recovery of the body. There is nothing supernatural or paranormal about pranic healing. It is simply based on natural laws that most people are not aware of.
Although science is not able to deetect and measure life energy or prana, it does not mean it does not exist or does not affect the health and well-being of the physical body.

In ancient times, people were not aware of the existence of electricity, its properties and practical uses. But this does not mean that electricitydoes not exist.

One’s ignorance does not change reality, it simply alters the perception of reality, resulting in misreception and misconception of what is and what is not, what can be done and what can and what cannot be done.

Twin Hearts Meditation

Twin-Hearts-Meditation is a science and art conceptualized and synthesized by Master Choa Kok Sui, to activate ‘both’ heart centres or chakras.
It is a simple yet powerful technique that in ancient times was only available to advanced yogis.
This beautiful guided meditation purifies one’s energy bodies to a high degree, increases the aura and chakras which not only enhances one’s natural inner power and connection with the divine source but also facilitate one’s ability to materialize and manifest. At the same time, it is a service to the world by blessing Mother Earth, all humanity as well your loved ones with peace, with Love and Healing.

When done regularly, it will enhance clarity of thought and emotion, bring inner peace and healing, as it flushes out limiting beliefs and obstructive energies.

Twin-Hearts-Meditation is respectful towards all religions and spiritual backgrounds and is practiced all over the world by people of all walks of life.
Would you like to learn, experience and measure how this meditation changes your energy qualitatively as well as quantitatively?

To visit our weekly Twin Hearts Meditation Groups go to https://pranichealingontario.ca/events/weekly-meditation-groups/

The Purpose of Yoga

Yoga literally means Union.
The purpose of yoga is to achieve union between the incarnated soul and the higher soul.
This union is actually a science, not just an art.
It is spiritual technology.
Soul-realization’ is nothing more than the incarnated soul realizing that it is not the body and it is one with the higher soul.
This is the meaning of Yoga or Illumination.” 

-Master Choa Kok Sui (from the book “Achieving Oneness with the Higher Soul”)

Similarities & Differences: Pranic Healing & Reiki

by Master Stephen Co

REIKI is a very good healing modality that has helped many people, prima- rily through teaching those with little or no healing experience to access healing ener- gies to help themselves and their loved ones. According to the REIKI Masters who have attended PRANIC HEALING classes (over 500 REIKI Masters have attended PRANIC HEALING classes since 1990 in the United States alone), as well as my own observa- tions as a teacher and healer, here are some of the major differences between PRANIC HEALING and REIKI :

1. PRANIC HEALING is a complete non- touch system of healing. REIKI practitio- ners touch the body most of the time, but they also employ some non-touch tech- niques.

2. PRANIC HEALING teaches its students to “scan,” or actually feel the aura, to assess areas of energetic depletion and congestion, or stagnation, which helps identify problem areas that need healing. REIKI doesn’t use any energy assessment technique but relies on the intuition of the practitioner.

3. PRANIC HEALING employs a manual cleansing technique called “sweeping” to remove blockages and stagnant energies before giving fresh energy to the patient; REIKI has no comparable technique. PRANIC HEALING believes cleansing is critical to the healing process because dis- eased energies and negative emotions have to be first removed before energizing the body to or they may manifest physically – and sometimes dramatically – through vom- iting, loose bowel movement, a rash, a flu or other symptoms. Such expelling is often labeled as a “detoxification,” however, it is quite uncomfortable and can be prevented with proper cleansing. In fact, cleansing alone often allows the body to quickly heal itself by permitting fresh energy to penetrate deeper into the body to be utilized as heal- ing fuel.

4. PRANIC HEALING employs a “cook- book” approach to healing. According to thousands of case reports gathered by the founder of PRANIC HEALING, Grandmas- ter Choa Kok Sui, every ailment produces a unique set of energy patterns that can be identified in the energy body’s 11 major chakras and numerous meridians. REIKI has essentially one energy technique – facilitat- ing the flow of REIKI energy into whatever area needs healing – to address all health problems. PRANIC HEALING, by contrast, uses specific energetic routines of cleans- ing and energizing that are matched to the specific patterns of energetic deficiencies caused by a particular illness. PRANIC HEALING, thus, offers a quicker, more tar- geted and more effective system of healing.

5. PRANIC HEALING teaches its practi- tioners to draw energy directly from the sun, air, ground and other spiritual sources and then project this prana into their subjects’ auras. REIKI practitioners have to be “initi- ated” by a REIKI Master and given “sym- bols” to access the healing energies. It’s simi- lar to having to obtain a “password.” PRANIC HEALING employs simple breathing and visualization exercises that allow anyone to heal immediately with mini- mal instruction.

6. PRANIC HEALING includes a practice called “energetic hygiene” that is rarely found in any healing modality, including REIKI . Energetic hygiene is a set of prac- tices – breathing, dietary recommendations and other cleansing routines – that are de- signed to keep your personal energy tank clean and full. REIKI Masters attending PRANIC HEALING classes agree that en- ergetic hygiene is one of the greatest ben- efits of the class, particularly the techniques that enable them to cleanse themselves of contaminating energy they pick up from cli- ents and how to prevent subjects or nega- tive people from draining their life force. This is particularly important for not only REIKI practitioners but also other healthcare providers because these people frequently experience the pain or the ailment of their subjects become drained and tired after heal- ing someone.

7. PRANIC HEALING employs the use of color energies that dramatically accelerate the body’s innate healing abilities. In fact, many REIKI Masters often say that if they have a subject who wants immediate relief or rapid healings they use PRANIC HEAL- ING — particularly, the colored pranic tech- niques. But, if they have a subject who sim- ply wants a relaxing and soothing session, they use REIKI .

In summary, both PRANIC HEALING and REIKI are excellent healing modalities and help alleviate pain and suffering. However, PRANIC HEALING gives you the tools to produce faster and more immediate results while “immunizing” you against contami- nation from the people you are healing.

PRANIC HEALING complements any and all healing modalities. We always tell ev- eryone, whatever your healing technique – shamanism, Native American techniques, Chinese chi kung, REIKI , massage therapy, chiropractic, Christian laying on of hands and even traditional orthodox medicine – PRANIC HEALING will complement and enhance it. We are here together to help cre- ate health and happiness for all.