Prerequisite: LEVEL 1
Course Outline
A unique and powerful workshop to experience/understand the Divine Essence within the chakras and energy bodies
Learn the deeper knowledge and practices once divulged only to inner disciples of the Ancient Mystery Schools
- Applied Spiritual Technology to live a blessed life
- Never before publicly revealed correspondences of the Spiritual Anatomy (chakras and auras) in the traditions of Taoism, Christianity, Kabbalah, Sanskrit, Acupuncture and Egyptian Mystery Schools
- Learn Krishna’s Teachings on the Inverted Tree of Life and the Upanishad’s Tree of Eternity
- Secrets of the “Triple Cross” – how it can activate the chakras and energize the subtle bodies
- Use of the Keter Sephira for Spiritual Healings
- Direct correspondence of the Lord’s Prayer in the Kabbalistic and Egyptian Tree of Life
- The “I AM” Meditation practised in a very sacred way
- Discover your Buddha Nature & Spiritual Fetus and Experience the Divine Essence within you