ARHATIC YOGA: The Yoga of Synthesis

Arhatic Yoga 1Prerequisite โ€“ LEVEL 3 and
Achieving Oneness with the Higher Soul
$875 CAD + tax

Course Outline

The spiritual practice that is the foundation of Pranic Healing
It is a path of the Intellect, of Will and of Love. It has its origins in China, India and Tibet
It develops intuition, advanced mental powers, refined emotions and longevity – safely.
“ARHATIC” is derived from the word “arhat”, a highly evolved being.

This advanced yoga system is the synthesis of all yogas (Raja yoga, Karma yoga, Laya/Kundalini yoga, Jnana yoga, Bhakti yoga, Mantra yoga and Hatha yoga) and was given by Mahaguruji Mei Ling to GrandMaster Choa Kok Sui.

Some of what you will learn:

Arhatic Yoga Energy Circulation
This special powerful meditation moves the Soul Energy safely through a series of energy channels in a sequence not taught before to the public

  • This helps extract the “ancient seeds”, pent-up emotions and negative crystallized thought patterns as it purifies the physical, etheric, astral and mental bodies
  • Opening the pathways safely to allow the Kundalini energy to flow and to nourish and activate the chakras
  • Disintegrating crippling negative emotions allowing the Soul to control the astral & mental bodies
  • The foundation for building the “Golden Body”
  • Increase of charisma, healing powers and other qualities
  • Manifest the greatness within you to become a conscious steward of this earth, as your chakras and aura increase in size and power
  • Learn how to recognize the various “Kundalini Syndrome” symptoms and their remedies

Be part of a global group where you can experience fellowship, be nurtured in a spiritual environment with regular meetings, updates and weekend retreats.

You have the opportunity to undertake higher Arhatic initiations as your bodies is ready to receive higher spiritual currents.