KRIYASHAKTI: The Science and Art of Materialization


Prerequisite: LEVEL 3
and Achieving Oneness with the Higher Soul
or Arhatic Prep


Material abundance gives you freedom to pursue spiritual goals. Kriyashakti teaches you how to properly harness the power of your thoughts, subtle energies and your auric field to create a life of prosperity and success both materially as well as spiritually.

– Master Choa Kok Sui –

“Kriyashakti is manifesting your Objective through Thought Power, but it also depends on other factors”

“The condition of your chakras affect your prosperity… When you change the Inner World, you change the physical world.”

Course Outline

The Science of Creating Abundance

Understanding the universal laws underlying the materialization of your goals and petitions – or the lack of it – this course covers specific techniques to create abundance and materialize prosperity, relationships; and to concretize short and long term goals effectively – to understand obstacles and how to heal your life.

Material abundance gives you freedom to pursue spiritual goals.

Kriyashakti teaches you how to properly harness the power of your thoughts, subtle energies and your auric field to create a life of prosperity and success both materially as well as spiritually.

  • Learn to disintegrate self-sabotaging thought forms, prosperity guilt and poverty consciousness located in specific areas of your aura
  • Practice a special “Concretizing Meditation” to quickly and systematically precipitate a thought or idea into physical form
  • Use the power of your thought to achieve your goals
  • Cleanse your aura and your chakras from negative thoughts and programming about money
  • Use the Prosperity Meditation to bring prosperity and abundance to your life
  • Use the proper hand gestures or mudras for prosperity
  • Understand the science of Tithing and Entitlement and how it is connected to your success
  • Create powerful Thought Forms using several easy to practice techniques

You will learn throughout the course many Powerful Principles, practical and “Hands On” Techniques