SuperBrain Yoga

SuperBrain-Yoga (2)Prerequisites: none
$90 CAD + tax

Course Outline

“SuperBrain Yoga is a simple and effective technique to energize and recharge the brain. It is based on the principles of subtle energy and ear accupuncture.” - Master Choa Kok Sui

Since 2003, Master Choa Kok Sui’s Super Brain Yoga has been performed by adolescents experiencing academic and behavioral problems. In each year, these experimental groups totalling ninety–eight students have demonstrated an increase in academic ability and improved behaviors versus the seventy eight students in the control groups. Students performing Super Brain Yoga improve academic performance levels, improve cognitive functions, and exhibit an increase in focus, impulse control, and self-esteem.

In 2005, Master Choa Kok Sui’s Super Brain Yoga was incorporated as a brainbased instructional system for educators throughout the Norrisotwn SchoolDistrict. Aligned with the most recent scientific research, Superbrain Yoga is introduced as a component of a brainbased introduction course for school teachers titled, “An Introduction to Brain Based Learning.”

Here educators are introduced to the most recent scientific brain research in order to build a foundation for understanding the benefits of instruction that includes brain exercise to improve student performance. Super Brain Yoga is taught in a formal setting and given as a strategy that improves brain function. Based on the positive results of the three year scientific study, Master Choa KokSui’s SuperBrain Yoga was then presented to the district’s administrative staff which included the district’s superintendent,supervisors, principals, and other district coordinators. Because of the very successful effects of the program,

7/11 of the principals are now using Super Brain Yoga in their school setting. Now, SuperBrain Yoga is a six hour professional development program on the district’s annual learning plan titled: SuperBrain Yoga – An Exercise to Fuel the Brain. Teachers may choose SuperBrain Yoga from a menu of programs aligned with the National Teaching Standards to enhance their professional development. This not only allows us to gather more data and assess the long term benefits of Master Choa Kok Sui’s SuperBrain, it continues to circulate the exercise into the many facets of education. Currently forty-five teachers have chosen to participate in this program in the training program.

After the training for this course, a number of teachers have scheduled the presentation to be presented to the teachers and students on their teams. SuperBrain Yoga in the educational system began in one classroom and now is performed throughout the school district. This simple and highly effective tool has become a common language that has empowers and transforms not only students but teachers as well, and that includes me. It is the Miracles of Master Choa Kok Sui that make it possible". - Kim Siar Teacher (copied from Prana World 2007)