Antjie Halim
Senior Instructor and Senior Certified Pranic Healer
Antjie is the Senior Instructor and Organizer for Ontario and Quebec, and is Director and Owner of the Ontario Centre for Pranic Healing. She has been practising Pranic Healing for over 20 years.
Email: antjie@pranichealingontario.ca
Website: www.pranichealingontario.ca

Associate Pranic Healer, Authorized Basic (Level 1) Instructor, Certified Superbrain Yoga Instructor, Trainer and Staff of the Ontario Centre for Pranic Healing
Iryna’s quest for personal development and a life of fulfilment opened the door to Pranic Healing which she started in 2018. In early 2020 Iryna completed her Associateship Certification under the guidance of Senior Instructor, Antjie Halim. Iryna is passionate about helping people and has been offering individual Pranic Healing sessions in person as well through distance healing for physical and emotional issues.

Faye Healey – Ottawa/Montreal/Sudbury
Advanced (level 2) Pranic Healing Instructor, Associate Pranic Healer
Faye is a full-time Advanced Pranic Healing Instructor & Pranic Healer based in Ottawa. She offers in-person healing sessions at Lotus Born Healing Centre in Ottawa as well as distant-healing sessions. Through Distant Pranic Healing, she has successfully treated clients all over Ontario and Quebec, and as far as Saudi Arabia, Paris, Thailand, Japan, England, India, Morocco, and more. Whether in-person or remotely, Faye sees clients for a broad range of physical and psychological ailments, which can include anything from broken bones to PTSD, Pranic Facelifts or weight-loss programs, and helping people enrich their homes or businesses through Pranic Feng Shui.
Inspired by the benefits of Pranic Healing in her life and the lives of others, Faye now teaches Basic and Advanced Pranic Healing courses in Ontario and Quebec. She holds a weekly Twin Hearts Meditation at the Ottawa Pranic Healing Centre (Lotus Born Wellness Centre) every Wednesday at 7pm: 1226A Welling W, 2nd Floor.
Email: faye@pranichealingontario.ca
Phone: 613 282 0801
Mara Messenger
Associate Pranic Healer, Authorized Level 1 (Basic) Pranic Healing Instructor for Ontario/Quebec, Industrial Designer
Mara completed her Associate Pranic Healer certification in 2020, under the guidance and supervision of Senior Instructor Antjie Halim. She is an authorized Level 1 (Basic) Pranic Healing Instructor and Arhatic practitioner. Mara has a deep appreciation for the many ‘tools’ MCKS Pranic Healing offers to alleviate physical and emotional suffering and heal all aspects of our lives.
She is dedicated to sharing the amazing gift of Pranic Healing through being an instructor, facilitating weekly Twin Hearts meditation, organizing and facilitating a weekly healing group.
She offers individual sessions for physical and emotional healing.
Please contact Mara to book a healing session at: mara@pranichealingontario.ca
Manisha Shah – Ottawa
Associate Pranic Healer, Authorized Basic (Level 1) Instructor, Certified Superbrain Yoga Instructor; MS in Computer Science
Currently working as IT Project Manager with the Federal Government. Manisha started Pranic Healing in 2014 with her husband and completed her Associateship certification under the guidance of senior instructor, Antjie Halim. Pranic Healing and Arhatic Yoga have created massive positive changes in her personal and family life and helped her pursue her soul purpose. By sharing these priceless teachings of Grand Master Choa Kok Sui she is committed to help alleviate the suffering of Humanity. She hosts weekly Twin Hearts Meditation as a service to give back to the community and offers individual healing sessions for Physical and Psychological ailments.
Please contact Manisha to schedule an appointment:
Email: Manisha@pranichealingontario.ca
Phone: 613-302-0505
Associate Pranic Healer
Nada started Pranic Healing in 2017 to help manage stress and anxiety. She completed her Associateship Certification under the guidance and supervision of Senior Instructor, Antjie Halim. Nada is passionate about helping people on their healing journey. She offers individuals healing sessions for physical and emotional ailments.
Please contact Nada to book an appointment:
Email: Nada@pranichealingontario.ca
Phone: 647-404-6919
Associate Pranic Healer
After practicing meditation for a few years, Anupam decided to study Pranic Healing in 2020. She completed her Associateship training under the supervision and guidance of Antjie Halim, Senior Instructor/trainer. As she continued her study, she realized that Pranic Healing is not just a healing modality but a deeper path to overall development of mind, body, and soul. She continues to take courses in Pranic Healing to grow and deepen her understanding and she practice
To book a session please contact Anupam at:
Email: discoverurchakras@gmail.com
Phone: 548-881-1510

Ariana Kantouri – Toronto
Associate Pranic Healer
Ariana began her study of MCKS Pranic Healing in 2006 in Iran in search for something to help her with stress and depression. In Tehran she took the first three levels of Pranic Healing and has been continuing to take MCKS Courses in Ontario, Canada since 2010 . She successfully completed her internship training Associateship level under the guidance and supervision of Senior Instructor Antjie Halim. Since 2010 Ariana has been one of the main facilitators and Pranic Healers in the Toronto Twin Hearts Meditation Group and Healing Clinic.
Ariana is a passionate massage therapy student and will be a RMT in 2016. While in school she teaches Twin Heart Meditation to her classmates.
For Pranic Healing sessions for physical and psychological ailments in person or through distant healing contact
Email: ariana.kantouri@gmail.com
Phone: 647-886-0121

Anna Macleod – Toronto
Associate Pranic Healer
Anna began her study of MCKS Pranic Healing in 2012 in Toronto in search for something to help her with stress and depression. She has been since continuing to take MCKS Pranic Healing Courses to further her knowledge as well as Arhatic Yoga. In 2014 she successfully completed her certification training Associateship level under the guidance and supervision of Senior Instructor Antjie Halim. Anna has been one of the main facilitators and Pranic Healers in the Toronto Twin Hearts Meditation Group and Healing Clinic.
For Pranic Healing sessions for physical and psychological ailments in person or through distant healing contact
Email: a.macleod55@gmail.com
Phone: 416-4353124

Adam Springett – London
Associate Pranic Healer
Healing sessions available in person by appointment, distant healing sessions also available.
Email: mckspranichealing.adam@gmail.com
Phone: 519-636-8880

Cristane, an industrial engineer and MBA, began her Pranic Healing studies in 2011 and has now successfully completed her certification training Associateship level under the guidance and supervision of Senior Instructor Antjie Halim.
She works in international projects and at the same time is active doing healings and hosting Twin Hearts meditations where ever her profession takes her. She attends and repeats various Pranic Healing courses regularly to maintain and increase her level of knowledge and understanding. At the moment, her main residence is in London, United Kingdom.
For distant healings for physical and emotional ailments please contact cristane at:
Email: cristane.ph@mail.com
(Languages: English, French or Spanish)